I learned a new word the other night: terf.
It stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Apparently it’s been around for years but I
had no idea because I don’t move circles of people who care about such things anymore. But last weekend my friend Peter Hyndal rang
and said that he was going to be in Sydney to speak at a trans event and would
I like to come? It was a public debate
run by the Ethics Centre; the topic was “Society must recognise trans people’s
gender identities”.
I would rather stick hot needles in my eyes, I thought. I know enough about trans politics to know
that it would be just awful. Even the
topic was offensive: how is it that
trans identities are even in question?
Can you imagine a question like “Society must recognise Aboriginal
people” being considered a legitimate topic for a televised debate? Nonetheless,
Peter was earnest about his reasons for doing it and he is my friend so I said
I would go and I did.
And it was awful. The
Ethics Centre had done its work, lining up a man and a woman to speak on each
side. They imported a glamorous
transwoman – Andrea James - from the US to speak with Peter on the Yes
side. For the ‘no’ side they had an old
white male philosopher, a chap named John Haldane. And to speak for radical feminists, they had a
Sydney-based academic named Bronwyn Winter.
Each played their part exactly as expected. Peter and Andrea made eloquent, impassioned
pleas for trans acceptance. The
philosopher dude split hairs about the question and scored a few points about
political correctness. And Bronwyn
Winter ran the trans-exclusionary-radical-feminist line.
I won’t claim to represent everything that Winter said with
100% accuracy, but basically she thinks gender is terrible and wants a society
where gender doesn’t matter. Nice, eh? But in the meantime, before we get to this
post-gender utopia, she has a big problem with transwomen. She doesn’t want them in women’s
“space”. Because they are different from
other women. Because they look like/used
to be/were raised as/still are/men.
This argument has been going around for nearly forty years, ever
since the publication of Janice Raymond’s ‘The
Transsexual Empire’ (1979). Raymond essentially
argued that transsexuality is a patriarchal plot, for the male medico/psychiatric
establishment to eliminate gender deviance and men, pretending to be women, to ‘colonise’
women’s bodies, space, culture, etc.
Apart from anything else, Raymond’s argument revealed a
profound (and possibly deliberate) ignorance of what it’s like to be a trans
woman in this society. I can’t claim to
be an expert on that myself, but I have noticed that transwomen aren’t exactly
lauded as heroes. Winter exhibited the
same ignorance the other night. “This
debate has got to the level of toilets!” she sniffed at one point. I’m thinking that she doesn’t know what it’s
like to fear that you are going to have the shit kicked out of you or be
publicly humiliated every time you go into a public toilet. If she did, she might be a little less
dismissive of these women’s priorities.
Winter is just one of the women who picked up Raymond’s rather
bizarre strain of transphobia. This
transphobia has poisoned feminist debates about who is welcome in ‘women’s space’
since the 1970s. In the US this debate
was played out around the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival and in Australia over
it was fought out over access to women’s services and the Lesbian Space Project
that briefly exercised feminist lesbians in the early 90s.
Now, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I think
the preoccupation with women’s ‘space’ or indeed separate spaces for any
marginalised group, was fundamentally misconceived. A waste of time and energy. I thought we wanted the world to be
different? I thought we wanted men to be
different? How is sitting at a music
festival in the bush going to achieve that?
And who is it for, this women-only space? It’s going to have limited appeal for
heterosexual women, which rules out most of that 90%. And trans women – they are a big no-no. And any lesbians who like hanging with their
straight or trans friends…so that doesn’t leave a lot. The history of women’s space is a history of
cancellations due to lack of interest, which is how the Michigan festival
finally met its inglorious end. Oh, and
who is to rule these micro-empires?
Obviously none of the rules or processes from mainstream society can
apply, because they are all patriarchal and corrupt. So who does that leave? I’ll tell you who: the mob. The angry, bigoted, ignorant mob.
I had a vague impression that this strain of radical
feminism had gone away. I don’t know why
I thought that: perhaps because of the growth of trans visibility and the
number of amazing young women that I meet.
It hasn’t, as Germaine Greer’s “just because you lop off your dick and
then put on a dress doesn’t make you a woman” comments last year proved. Greer may not have had an interesting insight
since the 70s, but she still has the public profile to set the internet alight
with her brand of dog-whistle feminist politics.
And Winter was there to run a more sophisticated version of the
same line. She was afraid, she claimed. Terfs (a term she says is ‘extremely damaging’)
have been bullied and threatened in this debate, she said. Quite possibly some of them have. But these women never hesitate to play the
victim and they will happily use their victimhood to deny someone else their
human rights. This logic took Winter’s
argument back to the toilet.
“Women,” she said, “have certain bodily processes that are exclusive
to us as women. Most women menstruate,
for example. And we need to have safe spaces
where we can do that by ourselves.” Spaces
without transwomen, she meant.
This is where radical feminism has got to, I thought sadly. Forty years ago women were throwing away
their bras and challenging stereotypes.
Now they are whingeing because there might be a tranny in the next
I have been reflecting on her comments, and on the history
of radical feminism’s engagement with trans women, since. And it made me suspect that perhaps separatism
is not such a bad thing after all. Then
at least there would be somewhere that Greer and Winter and their friends can
go and feel safe. With lots of lovely
toilets, of course. And maybe, with a
bit of luck, they just won’t come back.
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